My special morning drink that may surprise you..


A skincare specialist’s special morning drink

Now that you know what this skincare specialist uses on her skin, I’ll share one of the most important items I’ve added into my morning routine that’s made a huge difference on my skin, body and even mind! Any guesses?

It is celery juice! Have you tried it?  There are amazing benefits from drinking celery juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.  I was very skeptical when I first heard about this and thought it was another fad, but the more I researched and studied it, the more I learned that my body would benefit from it.   This is a great article to learn more about celery juice. It lists all the ailments that could benefit from this drink.

I want to focus on the benefits of drinking celery juice have on the skin.  

Did you know that celery is an herb!? It is one of the main anti-inflammatory foods out there by  “starving unproductive bacteria, yeast, mold, fungus and viruses that are present in the body and flushes their toxins and debris out of the intestinal tract and liver.”  It also helps to alkalize your gut and has an amazing amount of minerals, and has enzymes and coenzymes! It really is an powerhouse herb :) In short, by reducing inflammation in the body, it will help calm the inflammation on the skin, including inflamed zits.

As with most of us, I am a busy lady in the morning: trying to do my morning routine (meditation, yoga or exercise), showering, preparing breakfast, and getting the kiddos ready for school.  I aim to make celery juice 2-3 times a week. I juice a whole celery stalk and drink half that day, saving the other half for the following morning. Mornings that I don’t drink my celery juice, I drink warm lemon water with a pinch of himalayan salt (for electrolytes). I typically prepare enough celery juice for two days worth (although fresh is best), it is so nice to have it on hand and drinking while I am preparing breakfast for my family.

I have noticed several benefits from my increased celery juice a greater including glow in my skin.  Even my PCOS and endometriosis symptoms have decreased over the last several months. I especially try and have celery juice on mornings that I haven’t slept well or if my previous day was stressful.  It helps to stay focused on what I am putting into my body, and I am less likely to reach for caffeine later on.

As far as the flavor of straight celery juice goes, it is actually quite tasty and refreshing. I expected it to be bitter, but it has a very refreshing and cooling effect. It is best to drink it on an empty stomach and waiting at least 15 minutes before consuming anything.  

Here’s how I do my celery juice:

I chop up a whole stalk and throw it into my vitamix and blend on high for a minute or so.  I use a cheesecloth (or you could use a nut bag) to extract the juice into a large container.. This produces approximately 32 ounces. When halved it produces enough for two mornings worth. Cheers!

Who’s up to incorporating celery juice into their morning routine for 2 weeks?  I promise you will feel the difference!